I’m Gary and I teach PHP developers only the ESSENTIAL skills. I can do the same for YOU...


My aim is to give you skills that the industry needs you to have. When I see developers struggling to get hired, I can almost always trace it back to the same problem...

...too much time spent learning the wrong stuff.

I'll help you progress your career by becoming expert in all the right things. Let's cut to the chase and stop wasting time.


I've studied the industry closely to figure out that there are 6 essential skills which nearly every company needs you to have. Master these and you're already ahead of the competition in the jobs market.

Companies struggle to find developers who have dedicated themselves to learning the essentials.

They find it hard to hire the right people. Make it an easy decision for them to hire to hire you.

I'll teach you skills that increase your MARKET VALUE

There are core skills which a PHP developer needs in order to progress their career. These are the skills which I teach on garyclarke.tech. I would describe these as evergreen skills because they never change, they'll always be required, and you'll still be getting value for money from what I teach you here for years to come.


My courses form a LEARNING ROADMAP which is built around the 6 essential skills.

There are other skills which might help you land specific roles but, as a PHP developer, these 6 skills will serve you for your entire career.

Sign up and get your Docker + PHP course for FREE

PHP Framework Pro

Learn how PHP frameworks really work by building your own with me

PHP Professional Toolkit 4 courses

PHP Professional Toolkit

All of the skills you need to advance your PHP developer career. 4 courses bundled into one.


Learn all the best practices and essential skills of building APIs in PHP

Object Oriented PHP

A complete guide to Object Oriented Programming in PHP. From beginner to intermediate concepts.

Testing PHP all devices

Testing PHP

A complete guide to testing PHP applications.

PHP Pro Bundle

PHP Framework Pro and PHP API Pro combined in one bundle. Hours of quality education.


This bundle contains my two most popular courses: Learn Object Oriented PHP and PHP Framework Pro.

Git and Github all devices

Git and Github

A practical guide to Git and Github

Docker + PHP

A practical guide to Docker with PHP. Includes bonus material

Test Driven Development in PHP

Take your dev skills to the next level by creating an API from scratch using TDD with the PestPHP testing framework

Battle Ready Programmer

Two modern PHP resources, includes TDD in PHP, build an API from scratch and Battle Ready Laravel, the ultimate guide to auditing, testing, fixing and improving your Laravel applications.

Battle Ready Laravel

The ultimate guide to auditing, testing, fixing and improving your Laravel applications.

Complete Testing Bundle

Testing PHP and Test Driven PHP combined into one bundle. You'll look at testing completely differently after this.


Yes, there are other places where you could learn this stuff...kinda.

Please let me save you a lot of pain...here are the reasons why you should learn here.

✅ I have already done the hard work of piecing all of this together into a cohesive, flowing roadmap.
✅ The material is modern and it is constantly updated.
✅ The code examples are based on the real world and they all work!
✅ I answer student questions quickly.
✅ No one else covers these subjects in the same detail.
✅ I know what you need to know.
✅ The courses have subtitles in your language and the quality is excellent.

Sign up and get your LEARNING ROADMAP today!


I'm a realist...I understand that this is not for everyone. Some folks are happy to compete with average developers for an average salary at average companies.

I get that and I respect that. We are all different.

But , honestly, that's not what I do or what I encourage. I produce developers who stand out from the crowd. There are lots of guys out there who can get you average results for less than half the price of my courses.

If that's you, then thanks for stopping by and good luck for the future 🤝

If, however, you are ready to learn the skills that the industry actually wants and needs, earn an above average salary, and work with great developers at great companies, then stick around...you'll succeed here 🏆

Sign up and get your LEARNING ROADMAP today!

Gary Clarke

Who am I?

Hello and thank you so much for checking out my work. My name is Gary Clarke and I'm a software developer with many years experience, primarily in PHP. I started creating video tutorials during lockdown in 2020 because I wanted the challenge of being able to explain complex / technical subjects to others in a way which is easy to understand and remember.

At this moment in time, my videos have been watched nearly half a million times and I intend to keep creating new and improved content and teaching more and more new people. It would be my pleasure to see you on the inside of one of my courses.