"A battle plan that gives you the upper hand - a great reference to revisit time and time again" - Anthony
Are you ready to take your dev skills to A WHOLE NEW LEVEL?
QUESTION: How many of your competitors in the PHP + Laravel jobs market have expert-level knowledge in testing and test-driven development, application performance, maintainability & security, clean code principles, framework structure & components, API testing, managing technical debt, and updating legacy systems?
ANSWER: Not many...strange considering this is EXACTLY what the market needs 🤔
Take this chance to GET AHEAD!
Why Should You Invest In These Courses?
💰 These skills are guaranteed to advance your career
💪 Your Laravel code will become more robust with the knowledge you gain here
🆕 The information is current and relevant to the market
🧠 You will achieve an advanced level of understanding of how modern PHP works
🌴 Flexible. You can work at your own pace. Take as long as it takes
🔍 No other resources teach these subjects with the same level of attention to detail
📈 Promotion. To become a senior developer, IT'S ESSENTIAL to know this stuff
💼 Career mobility. These principles can be applied to a wide range of programming languages
$79 + VAT added on checkout page
Within this bundle you will receive two modern PHP resources
Test Driven PHP (video course) teaches you TDD in PHP by building an API from scratch. It uses the awesome PestPHP testing framework click here
Battle Ready Laravel (book) is the ultimate guide to auditing, testing, fixing, and improving your Laravel applications. To learn more click here
✅ 5★ rated courses
✅ Over 80 video tutorials with subtitles in your language
✅ Over 220 pages of quality content - no filler!
✅ All code examples included
✅ Lifetime ownership...no deadlines!
📜 Certificate of achievement
🤝 Lifetime money back guarantee
Automated tooling - PHP Insights - Enlightn - Larastan - Style CI - Code coverage - Investigating DB queries - Authorisation - Checking Validation - Debugging Facades and Helpers - Finding N+1 queries - Debugging Blade views - Eliminating hard-coded creds - Reviewing project docs - Planning test strategies - Spotting bugs early - Facilitating refactoring - Changing approach - Tests as documentation - Proving bugs - Structuring tests - Directory structure - What to test? - Test structure - Data providers - Prioritising tests - Write the easy test first - Preventing test fatigue - Laravel Dusk - Testing a form - Dusk pages and selectors - Running failed tests - CI workflow with Github Actions - .env.ci files - Running a test suite - Fixing strategy - Error reporting systems - Error types - Automated error reporting - Error reporting using Flare - Application monitoring - Uptime monitoring - Scheduler monitoring - Queue monitoring - Updating PHP, Laravel, and packages - Upgrading in small increments - Automating the upgrade - Planning upgrades early - Local dev environment - Fixing bugs with tests - What is test-driven development - Disadvantages of TDD - Fixing bugs with TDD - Removing dead code - Checking Git history - Scream test - Logging / reporting usage - Removing code with an Atomic commit - Planning improvement strategy - PHP's Type system - Type hints and return types - Union types - Type declarations in Closures - DRYing up your code - Advantages of DRY - When to DRY up your code - Refactoring conditions - Reducing indented code - Replacing if / elseif with match - Nullsafe operator - Database transactions - Third-party service tips - Using automatic or manual transactions - Dispatching queued jobs inside transactions - Improving testability - Using objects over arrays
Installing Pest - Create an API test - Custom test helpers - Custom test expectations - Test requests and responses - Response test - Response classes - PHP application sequence - Request classes - Request test - Request query params - Request paths - Request method - Kernel class - The multiple routes problem - Refactoring for routing - Router test - Router dispatch - Route handling outcomes - Setting routes - Dependency injection - Service container - Binding services - Controller classes - Invoking handlers - Route parameters - Resolving route handlers - Mocking dependencies - Testing routing errors - Using datasets - Route handler resolver test - Resolving a Controller test - Data considerations - Repositories - Grouping tests - Entities - The dirty filter - Nesting objects - Serializing objects - Duplication vs coincidence - Faking database rows - Sqlite - PHP Data Objects (PDO) - Retrying tests using the retry filter - Connection objects - Connection test - Connection classes - Container shared dependencies - Environment variables - Migration files - Migrating a test database - Command classes - Migration dependencies - Database transactions - Executing migrations - Data mappers - Database test assertions - Querying any table - Fixing feature tests - Refactoring out duplication - Matching project structure - Updating Pest - Architecture testing - Type coverage - Front controllers - Creating Request objects from globals - Sending content to a browser - JsonResponse test - JsonResponse objects
It should take ages to piece together quality, up to date, learning resources that cover all this stuff...
...BUT it's all covered here IN GREAT DEPTH
$79 + VAT added on checkout page
Within this bundle you will receive two modern PHP resources
Test Driven PHP (video course) teaches you TDD in PHP by building an API from scratch. It uses the awesome PestPHP testing framework click here
Battle Ready Laravel (book) is the ultimate guide to auditing, testing, fixing, and improving your Laravel applications. To learn more click here
✅ 5★ rated courses
✅ ~80 video tutorials with subtitles in your language
✅ Over 220 pages of quality content - no filler!
✅ All code examples included
✅ Lifetime ownership...no deadlines!
📜 Certificate of achievement
🤝 Lifetime money back guarantee
Check Out These Sample Videos From Test Driven PHP
Creating Custom Test Helpers
We're doing everything from scratch in this course so let's create a test helper which will enable us to make 'requests' to our API.
Testing Request Objects
We're going to create our own Request class so let's test that the query params can be retrieved off of it. This will show you how some things work which we take for granted.
Faking Database Rows
Let me show you how you can fake a database row to keep your tests passing until you have created your tables. This way we are focused more on our public API and the database isn't calling the shots.
Database Test Assertions
Let's create our assertDatabaseHas method which will be able to assert that a table contains a particular record based on a set criteria. Some frameworks have already created methods like this for you but where's the fun in that? No microwavable pizzas in this kitchen...everything's made from fresh!
A Brief History Of This Bundle
Battle Ready Laravel was released in 2022 and made available on garyclarke.tech in July 2023, at a time when I was still working on Test Driven PHP.
Both resources share a similar feel in that they contain material which is relevant to PHP and Laravel developers but which is not easy to find in great depth or quality. They complement each other whilst retaining their own unique identity.
It just made perfect sense to bundle these together and hopefully open people up to learning new skills and trying new things...that's where the fun in programming lies
- Gary
$79 + VAT added on checkout page
Within this bundle you will receive two modern PHP resources
Test Driven PHP (video course) teaches you TDD in PHP by building an API from scratch. It uses the awesome PestPHP testing framework click here
Battle Ready Laravel (book) is the ultimate guide to auditing, testing, fixing, and improving your Laravel applications. To learn more click here
✅ 5★ rated courses
✅ ~80 video tutorials with subtitles in your language
✅ Over 220 pages of quality content - no filler!
✅ All code examples included
✅ Lifetime ownership...no deadlines!
📜 Certificate of achievement
🤝 Lifetime money back guarantee
Check Out My Other Courses
Six Essential Skills Bundle
This bundle contains all the courses which meet the six essential skills all PHP Developers MUST have.
MySQL for PHP Developers
Dive into the world of databases with this course tailored for PHP developers. Enhance your skills in database management and PHP integration.
PHP Professional Toolkit Plus
All of the skills you need to advance your PHP developer career. 4 courses bundled into one with a massive saving 💲
Symfony Framework Pro
Unlock your PHP potential and develop your skills to the next level with PHP Framework Pro & Symfony 7 Microservice.
Complete Testing Bundle
Testing PHP and Test Driven PHP combined into one bundle. You'll look at testing completely differently after this.
PHP Framework Pro
Essential learning for every PHP developer, this course fills a big gap in your PHP framework knowledge.
Test Driven PHP
Take your dev skills to the next level by creating an API from scratch using TDD with the PestPHP testing framework.
Symfony 7 Microservice
I can guarantee this is the best way to learn Symfony by building something CURRENT and REAL
Every PHP developer will eventually be required to build and maintain APIs, follow this course to learn the essentials of API Development.
PHP Pro Bundle
Are you aiming to master the intricacies of PHP frameworks or become the go-to expert on APIs? Then this bundle is designed to catapult your career forward.
PHP Professional Toolkit
Within this bundle you will receive three modern PHP courses to take your skills to a whole new level, it includes everything a good dev needs to know.
PHP Bundle
Two 5 Star PHP courses, a total of 30 hours of quality PHP content, that is relevant for today's PHP developer. You buy one get the other half price giving a massive saving 💲
Object Oriented PHP
Looking to master PHP Object-Oriented Programming? Then you're in the right place. This course will guide you through the core concepts and advanced techniques.
OOP and Framework Foundations
This bundle contains my two most popular courses: Learn Object Oriented PHP and PHP Framework Pro. Elevate your PHP skills to the next level.
Testing PHP
Learning to test isn't just a skill—it's a fundamental part of coding. When you understand testing, you understand how to write better, more robust code.
Battle Ready Laravel
The ultimate guide to auditing, testing, fixing and improving your Laravel applications created by Ash Allen.
Follow GaryClarkeTech for updates:
Ash Allen - Who am I?
Hey there! My name's Ash Allen!
I'm a Laravel web developer from the UK.
I've worked with many companies around the world to help build and improve Laravel applications that they can be proud of!
I wrote "The Clean Coder's Guide to Laravel" which has been downloaded more than 5k times, and I have an active blog where I write about Laravel and PHP. I've also had articles published on the Laravel News and Honeybadger blogs.
I have several PHP packages (such as Short URL and Laravel Exchange Rates) which have been installed over 350k times. I also love working on other open-source projects and have contributed to the Laravel framework.
Gary Clarke - Who am I?
Hello and thank you so much for checking out my work. My name is Gary Clarke and I'm a software developer with many years experience, primarily in PHP. I started creating video tutorials during lockdown in 2020 because I wanted the challenge of being able to explain complex / technical subjects to others in a way which is easy to understand and remember.
At this moment in time, my videos have been watched nearly half a million times and I intend to keep creating new and improved content and teaching more and more new people. It would be my pleasure to see you on the inside of one of my courses.