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MySQL for PHP Developers
Introduction to Databases (5:07)
Basic Syntax (17:38)
Relational vs Non-Relational Databases
Introduction to Docker and Docker Desktop (2:39)
Installing and Configuring MySQL Using Docker (8:20)
SQL Basics
Creating Tables (15:03)
Insert Queries (8:20)
Update Queries (6:21)
SQL Can Get You Fired (1:10)
A Quick Check-In: How’s It Going?
Delete Queries (3:45)
Selecting and Filtering (14:37)
Primary Keys (1:44)
Foreign Keys (15:17)
Foreign Key Demo (8:06)
Default Column Values (7:11)
SQL Select Queries
Sorting and Limiting (10:53)
Inner Joins (14:49)
Left Joins (7:56)
Right Joins (9:41)
Multiple Joins (8:56)
Aggregate Functions (5:55)
Group By (10:45)
Having (8:16)
Subqueries (11:46)
Where Exists (7:32)
Where In (6:50)
Self Joins (11:02)
Intermediate MySQL and Administration
phpMyAdmin (13:41)
MySQL Workbench (8:31)
Introduction to Indexes (7:10)
Explain Statements (7:29)
User Management (8:15)
One to Many Relationships (5:23)
Many to Many Relationships (12:32)
One to One Relationships (8:48)
Temporary Tables (8:42)
Temporary Variables (4:40)
MySQL Storage Engines (InnoDB vs. MyISAM)
Database Transactions (2:41)
Transactions Challenge (9:35)
PHP Extension Setup (7:15)
Connecting with MySQLi (5:08)
Connecting with PDO (4:40)
Querying with MySQLi (5:46)
Creating a Reusable PDO Connection Class (6:35)
Reading Data from MySQL Using PDO (7:32)
Reading Data PDO Challenge (3:45)
Creating Data in MySQL Using PDO (4:11)
Creating Data PDO Challenge (1:47)
Updating Data in MySQL Using PDO (3:23)
Updating Data PDO Challenge (4:46)
Deleting Data in MySQL Using PDO (2:25)
Deleting Data PDO Challenge (3:24)
Data Integrity
Prepared Statements
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Validating and Sanitizing Input (9:49)
Database Transactions Using PDO (11:54)
Error Handling (5:38)
Stored Procedures (7:18)
Last Chance! Tell Us What You Think!
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
Introduction to ORM
Active Record Model (6:17)
Active Record Insert (8:44)
Active Record Update (9:09)
Active Record Save (3:15)
Active Record Delete (2:24)
Data Mapper EntityManager (6:31)
DataMapper Entities (7:41)
Reflection Attributes (8:54)
EntityManager Find (4:30)
Mapping Data to Entities (8:34)
EntityManager Insert (12:52)
EntityManager Update (7:39)
EntityManager Remove (10:57)
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